For the younger generation
To be honest I didn't enjoy this myself (possibly because i'm 23 now) but have given the song a rating of 7/10 as I believe it was aimed more towards the younger generation, my brother of 7 years old started jumping up and down on the bed when this song came on so it does have some sort of appeal to kids (obviously I hit him over the head after a while because the squeaking of the bed springs was doing my head in)
* Maybe it should be number 1 as it has been aimed towards children (which in my mind is a nice thing to do)
* Didn't really enjoy the vocals on the song, the background riff was kind of catchy but I believe that to be a straight import from a Nintendo game
* Maybe I'm just annoyed because I spent a few months on my song, got the piano riff perfect and got my cousin to sing over the song using my newly bought 270 pound microphone.... And that's not number one yet LOL :)
Overall score 7/10 as it seems children will really enjoy this song.
P.S Have a listen to my song named "Final Goodbye (EQ)" Let me know what you think :P